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Auswärtsbericht FC St. Pauli vs. Erzgebirge Aue

Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2012 von heikoheftich

Auswärtsbericht eines Cardiff-Anhängers im Gästeblock von Aue beim Spiel gegen den magischen FCSP im Dezember 2012 am Hamburger Millerntor.

Screenshot supportersnotcustomers.com


“[…] The weather in Hamburg was so bad I had expected the game to be off, with temperatures of -9, deep snow and plenty of rain. I had asked the guy in the hotel reception if he thought the match would be abandoned that morning, he laughed and said “Postponed? This is Germany!” Silly question, I guess.”

“[…] The first sign that this was going to be a bit different from the usual away game didn’t take long. As I handed over my ticket to a steward and indicated I didn’t speak German, he asked me “Do you have any flares or smokebombs?”

“[…] St Pauli were finally put out of their misery, the 3 – 0 victory for the visiting side confirmed. Away fans in Britain have become used to the players giving a polite clap in their direction before heading off the pitch as quickly as possible. As you will see from the video below, this is certainly not the case in Germany.”

The accidental ultra – St. Pauli away

Absolut lesenswert, vor allem einmal diesen “neutralen” Blick auf das Spiel und das Umfeld zu bekommen. Ohne die rosarote Brille. Well written, Ben!

Kategorie: FC St. Pauli, Link, Photographie, Video | Kommentare deaktiviert für Auswärtsbericht FC St. Pauli vs. Erzgebirge Aue

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