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Der ADM in Amsterdam muss bleiben!

Samstag, 11. Juli 2015 von heikoheftich

Keko Yoma, from Chili, use the ADM as their home-base, already for 5 years in succession, when they do an European tour
Of course they play also on our own stage during such a period (and cook lovely authentic Chilean food as well ;-)
It’s always a pleasure to have them around!

This recording was done in July 2015 on board the boat of “Old Frans”.
Video-editing by Giuliana

The Cultural Free-haven ADMamsterdam is currently seriously threatened with eviction by the owners of the terrain (Amstellimo BV and Chidda vastgoed BV) owned by the heirs of the infamous and mafia related real-estate speculator, Bertus Lüske
They claim to have signed a lease with Koole Maritime BV, which starts out on October 1st. 2015
They summoned us to leave before August 1st. 2015 (and to take everything with us!), or face a fine of 50.000 euro’s for every day after this date
Three (!) separate legal procedures have been started against us, as of yet

Around 130 residents, ranging from 0 to 80, are currently living between hope and fear
For almost 18 years we’ve been creating a sustainable community, turning an abandoned and derelict shipbuilding-yard on the outskirts of Amsterdam, into a life laboratory and oasis for the free-spirited and thinkers, in co-operation with the nature around us, by our own means, and with no single cent of subsidy

All over the terrain there are various protected bird species, mammals and wild-flowers to be found, (So far officially established: natterjacks, bats, owls and orchids)

We’ve hosted around 900 concerts, 100 benefit-events for 3rd. parties, 40 festivals, 10 WinterGames, 7 Bakbrommer-races, 5 Robodocks, 3 SleazeFests and countless other public events

We also support and perform at various other festivals and events in the Netherlands, Europe and the world.
From Oerol to Fusion (DE) and BurningMan (USA) and from RollendeKeukens to TerraMadre(IT) and Macau (HongKong)

Support us by signing our petition that urges the mayor of Amsterdam to intervene
Go to: adm.amsterdam/petition

There’s no (main-stream)culture without sub-culture!
Stop the speculation with the ADM-terrain!
The ADM belongs to the people!

Support the ADM – Sign the petition!

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